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TV Personality Search Warrant!

Charlo Greene, whose real name is Charlene Egbe, gained international attention when she quit her job as a KTVA reporter on live television. Today, a search warrant was served on her business for selling pot.

Anchorage police served search warrants Friday at the Alaska Cannabis Club, an operation run by former television reporter and legal marijuana activist Charlo Greene, the department says.

“Police received reports of the illegal sale of marijuana and other derivatives at a location that’s been identified as the Alaska Cannabis Club on the 600 block of Gamble Street,” police wrote in a statement to media. “Search warrants are currently being served at the location.”

According to a warrant provided to the Anchorage Press which was posted on facebook, police were searching for evidence of misconduct involving a "controlled substance".

The warrant also states packaging materials and items relating to illegal transactions, two cars were also impounded by police.

"Any evidence we find here in pursuit to the investigation we would seize that evidence and likely some charges will be filed," said APD spokesperson Jennifer Castro at the scene Friday afternoon. "It's a good reminder that you cannot sell marijuana in Alaska or any product in any other form."

While voters have legalized marijuana possession in Alaska, it is still illegal to sell the drug as no business licenses have been issued for legal sale and guidelines for regulation of the marijuana trade are still under consideration by the Legislature.

Castro said no arrests have been made and no charges have been filed at this time.


Police said the investigation is ongoing.

Greene refused to talk to Channel 2 at the scene on Friday, which is ironic since she wanted so much of the spotlight when she quit her job on live TV to say she was going to open a dispensary. You would think she would have realized that it still isn't legal to sell pot in Alaska.

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